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Friday, May 22, 2015

Discover how A Trader turned $400 into $2331


If you want to know more on this please click here.


Discover how

A Trader turned

$400 into $2331*

My name is Nikhil Shenoy and I would like to welcome you to iFOREX.

Every year iFOREX gives traders unique trading tools, according to their accounts. This year, one tool was given to Zaheer D, who started trading only 9 months ago. Due to his success he decided to share a few of his techniques that led him to become a currency trader:


What motivated you to become a currency trader?

As a person who is always looking for new investment possibilities, I decided to try Forex.

I was shocked to find out that I could learn this field without any prior experience.

Why did you choose to trade with iFOREX?

iFOREX offered me exactly what I needed to begin trading. When I began, they gave me

a $5,000 demo account and a unique 1-on-1 training session to understand the basics of the market. In just less than one month alone, I managed to make $1108.

You too can start experiencing the lucrative benefits of the Forex Market.

     Simply CLICK HERE to learn more about the benefits of Forex!


* Trade was based on the following data:

Currency PairDeal SizeOpening RateOpening DateClosing RateClosing DateReturn

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